少林 发表于 2015-2-4 16:16:25

咖啡馆掌柜招募 (The cafe manager recruiting)

本帖最后由 少林 于 2015-2-4 17:10 编辑

给你一家这样的咖啡馆,你会怎样经营?(咖啡馆掌柜招募)Give you such a cafe,how will you to operate?(The cafe manager recruiting)好啦,,,,,,well,,,
这是一家经营面积足足有200平方的咖啡馆It has 200㎡
这里是咖啡馆的图书区There is lots of books
这里是咖啡馆的吉他区Also it has a guitar room
这里是咖啡馆的吧台The cafe bar
这里是咖啡馆的露天草坪阳台Some people watch movie in the open-air balcony
这是咖啡馆的猫A cat of this cafe shop
这是咖啡馆的讲座沙龙Maybe you can make some sharon there

或许你有在咖啡馆工作的经验或许你有独立带领一群小伙伴,经营好一家咖啡馆的意愿和能力或许你有乱七八糟的游历经历或许你有点文艺情结,喜欢阅读,书画,音乐,摄影,并期许过一种安静安静安静的生活 或许你什么都没有,单纯的只有经营一家咖啡馆的梦,对生活有独到的见解
投一份简历和自我陈述到邮箱:1561257149@qq.com 微信:goodyouths 方便你了解我们报名时间:2015,2,4——2015,3,1你便有机会拥有这家咖啡馆的经营管理权
Maybe you have experience working in a cafe;Perhaps you have an independent led a group of partners, manage the cafe's willingness and ability;Maybe you have a mess of travel experience;Maybe you like literature and art ,such as reading, painting, music, photography, and expect to live a quiet quiet quiet life;Maybe you have nothing, just only runs a cafe dream and original ideas about life.
Throw a resume and personal statement to the email address: 1561257149 @qq.com; wechat:goodyouths ;and to learn more about us   Time signing up:2015,2,4——2015,3,1You will have the chance to own the cafe's management right
Cafe address: guangzhou, china关于好好青年咖啡馆       好好青年咖啡馆是一家富有文艺气息的咖啡馆,她集咖啡制作,吉他现演、书法交流和手工艺品为一体的艺文空间。最受店家推崇的当属红砖书架上的旧书了,“书架是我们一块砖一块砖砌上去的,书虽旧,但很有味道”,原掌柜的如是说,“我们就是想营造一个能让熟悉的甚至是陌生的朋友都可以在这里看书、交流、分享兴趣的书屋。看到很多朋友在这里开怀的交流,拿起吉他随性一把,以及分享我们的每一个微笑,我们很开心,即使书屋不挣钱。”
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